Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Live Strong - One Rider's Journey from California to Texas

Everyone once and a while I come across someone that has an idea that is crazier than anything I've ever had. In this case, it's our good friend Gerry Cody (Don's Bikes team member).

Gerry has decided to take the Live Strong Challenge, except he has also decided to ride his bike all the way from Santa Monica, California to Austin, Texas. When he arrives, he will join up with Lance and all of the others to participate in the event.

People, including myself, do these kinds of things for all kinds of reasons, but in this case it's Gerry's personal vendetta; to try to raise money to fight cancer.

So hats off to Gerry for undertaking this huge jouney and we wish him the best of luck. He's probably on the road at this very time...

The whole team supports Gerry 100% in this effort, and if you would like to donate to help him reach his goal, you can do so here.

Feel free to follow along for Gerry's latest blog posts and twitter updates.

Good luck my friend!

1 comment:

  1. The best of luck on your venture, mate. Go!!!

