Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Live Strong Update - Tough times on 1400 mile journey

It's day 10 and Gerry is still rolling strong on his journey. At this point he is nearing 1000 miles, and as you can imagine, he's going through some pretty tough times. He sums it up with this:

"At this point, if it touches the bike, it hurts..."

Due to cold and exhaustion last night, he had to stop a little short of his destination and get some assistance to reach the hotel.

But true to Gerry's spirit, here's a short video of him riding back to where he stopped yesterday and continuing on his 1400 mile journey from where he left off. Now that's some serious dedication!

Hang in there Gerry... 4 days to go!

Be sure to check out these cool t-shirts you can purchase to help support the cause.

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